[Alpha] Android 10 for Teracube One

We are very excited to announce that we have an Alpha version of Android 10 available for testing on Teracube One. The Dev team has been hard at work implementing Android 10 features and fixing bugs.

The build itself has gone through some internal testing and will/does have issues - that’s the whole point of more testing :wink:.

** Warning **
Not for the faint hearted. This is Alpha stage software. If something goes wrong, you might lose your data and might have to re-flash Android 9 using SP Flash software.

What works: Almost everything - VoLTE, VoWiFi, Fingerprint, LTE, Google Play store, WiFi, Bluetooth, NFC, Proximity sensor and more.

What does not work yet: LED notification light, Google Pay.


  1. Backup your data. This install will erase your userdata. So you will have to do a fresh restore from Google or elsewhere.

  2. Download the A10-Alpha zip file and unzip it on your Windows 10 PC.

  3. Unlock bootloader and stay in Fastboot mode.
    – If your bootloader was already unlocked, then simply go to fastboot mode using the steps in bootloader unlocking.

  4. Connect the phone to the computer.

  5. Go to the downloaded folder and double-click the “flash-all.bat” file. It will flash all partitions and reboot the phone automatically.

The script will take few minutes to flash all partitions.

  1. After reboot, setup the phone per your user preference.

That’s it - now you are part of our Android 10 testing group (Welcome!). Report any bugs/issues on this post (Known issues listed above).


Must you have a Windows 10 PC? I’m running Windows 7 Pro - don’t laugh people :laughing:


In theory should work with Win 7 PCs but we haven’t tried it yet.

It’s a simple batch script that calls fastboot. You’re good provided you have the right drivers installed.

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Rear camera:
No Flash
No RAW support

Are you sure? I just now tested - I have working Flash. And AF seems to be working as well.

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Yep, tested multiple times across stock camera, Simple Camera, and OpenCamera.

Maybe missing blob since I flashed over from /e/OS?

Could you flash SW6/SW7 first and then try again.

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SPFlash to SW6, on-device update to SW7, then upgrade to Android 10 Alpha using flash_all.bat.

This time, Flash is working, but no Autofocus, still.

Sharod or Anthony – how many folks have downloaded the alpha so far?

We don’t have a way right now. I guess people can post an ack if they are in.

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