Security - Malware - OMACP vulnerability?

Hey everyone,

as a crypto investor, I came across a scammer claiming to be a bitcoin miner on reddit who sent me their site link that I visited. I only messaged them a few x on Reddit and Instagram to verify their identity - I downloaded no files and entered no personal info. But, they somehow found my phone #, then texted me without my permission and lied saying they got from my voicemail ( I didn’t leave one). I know they’re a scammer, the question is how they got my phone # and have they hacked my phone? I visited their site on my PC, they could’ve gotten my # from that, and that could be compromised too.

I noticed this OMACP grey icon showed up for only ~3 sec in notifications after restarting the phone, then it disappears quickly, why?

After some research, and seeing potential vulnerability of OMACP , I did a factory reset on my Teracube to wipe off any malware. I heard that flashing and booting the phone are absolute certain defenses here but heard that can void warranty and increase security risk if you do it wrong.

Before reset, the OMACP app was there, but not in app settings, i have to type it in search. Now, after the reset, the OMACP is still there, but is not on my old Android Samsung phone. Is this just a messaging protocol that should be on the Teracube or not? Some sources say the hacker may need to send a CP request and need my permission to access the phone but others make it seem like they don’t - I have no idea on any of this. How do I take all steps to make sure that my phone isn’t hacked and what other kind of security threats should I be aware of? I’m willing to have a discussion to figure this out - I know it can be involved to trouble shoot.

I can NOT afford my funds to be stolen or I will be devastated. I’m not tech savvy but want to learn more, anyone who is and open to share would be MUCH appreciated! I love the phone and community and co. mission. Please help??

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Hi @Shaman34 - thank you for pointing this out. Omacp is Mediatek’s app to do SIM configuration and is included on all their phones.

It seems Google fixed this vulernability in Android as part of May 2020 security updates - (search for “CVE-2020-0064” or “Omacp”). We’ll take this up with Mediatek right away and should get it fixed as part of the next update.

Since this is a relatively new vulnerability, most phones (including ours) still do not have the patch. Please be assured that we will work on this right away and should have an update for you soon.

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Thanks Sharad! Currently, I have a serious security issue, can you please see this post? Security - Malware - OMACP vulnerability?. Also is there anyone on chat or phone that can discuss such matters? This is very urgent, Thanks!

Thanks for pointing it out. I have posted a reply to your thread just now. Let me know if you will still like to have a conversation.

ps : If you don’t mind, I’ll move your msg to the relevant thread to preserve the current topic’s intent.

yes of course Sharad! I love you guys! Such good service, I tell everyone about you b/c you’re honestly my favorite company I’ve had in possibly forever lol.

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Providing overdue update on this thread. SW7 should have this fixed as part of the May 2020 security patches.