Sometimes my phone freezes

My phone freezes sometimes and I have to end up restarting the phone. Has this issue happened to anyone yet?

No, I’ve never seen that behavior yet.

Are you on sw06 or sw07?

I’m on Sw07 currently.

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Is it reproducible with a certain sequence of actions, location, wifi or any particular app?
If the freezing was not happening earlier, then a cache cleanup or factory reset should fix it.

I think Spotify is the culprit.

Are you sure? It’ll be great if you can play around a bit and see if that’s reproducible in a particular way. Some of us can try it out then.

I have DuraSpeed turned on for my Spotify. Idk if that’s the issue.

Lime doesn’t entirely freeze but I’ll notice my time isn’t changing (currently it’s been on 7:52 for about 45 minutes) I’ll restart and it fixes. I have noticed it has slowed down a TON though

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I’ve started to notice these same issues recently, as well as very inconsistent touch screen sensitivity. I am on the SW7 build

@AmesF - could you please check your Build number at Settings > System > About > Wireless update (is it S1_07 and if not, is there an update available)

@Wyatt_Greenwood - maybe its time to do a cache reset and if that doesn’t work, then a full on factory reset.

I have tried the cache wipe. It seems to have improved things for now. I will try a factory reset if it starts up doing it again.

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